Hey Everyone,
Here's another Internet Con Letter
ATM Master Card Delivering Department.
Telephone: +229-991-614-68.
Email (drfraklinjoseph@yahoo.com.vn)
Urgent Attention,
I AM DR.FRANKLIN JOSEPH, from office of ATM Swift Card Department (UNITED BANK OF AFRICA) We knew is very difficult for you to understand because you have been long time waiting for your ATM Card all the time yet things didn’t work out to your expectation but you have to understand that your file has not gotten to this office, then Beside most CARDS are being sent through African and after much investigation it was resulted that 95% of the ATM CARD was not Good which is the reason the card could not being use. To this effect, the appropriate authorities (Economic Community of West African States of African and American Government) has decided not to deliver CARD to foreign clients through African anymore due to a lot of complains that beneficiaries are not receiving their payment after fees has been paid .
This office want you to understand that everything is in order, Economic Community of West African States and American Government have agreed for you to receive your fund (ATM Master Card) through our (UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA) and you are to contact this office immediately for the release of your ATM Master Card with your full information to enable us covers the insurance coverage and please include copy of your identity for proper reprogramming and activation of your CARD PIN Number to enable you have access of withdrawal immediately you receive your CARD.
You are advised to include the followings below:
(1).Your Full Name,
(2).Your Country,
(3).Your City
(4).Your Direct Telephone Numbers,
(5).Your Direct Office Phone Numbers,
(6).Your Mobile Phone Number,
(7).Your Correct Home Address,
(8).Your Office Address,
(9).Your Current Occupation,
(11).Your age ,
(12).Your Gender,
(13).Your Next Of Kin Name,
(14).Your Next Email Address,
(15).Your Next TelePhone Numbers,
This is to inform you that you we have done and concluded all the necessary arrangement for your payment worth of $15.8USD (FIFTHEEN MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS) which have to be pay to you through (UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA) ATM Master Card.Finally, you are being legally contacted regarding the release of your long awaited fund. After a detailed review of your file, the United Nation Monetary Unit, World Bank and the US Homeland Security Department has been Authorized to release your ATM MASTER CARD immediately. The sum of $15.8USD has been approved in your favour via (UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA) desk. Quickly get back to me for more advice.
PLEASE Call +229-991-614-68. And REPLY DIRECTLY TO THIS EMAIL (drfraklinjoseph@yahoo.com.vn)
Thanks for Your Co-operation.
ATM Master Card Delivering Department.
Telephone: +229-991-614-68.
Email (drfraklinjoseph@yahoo.com.vn)
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