Thursday, August 16, 2012

Internet Con Letter from Hans R. Tommer

Hey Everyone,

Here's another Internet Con Letter

HR Tommer

First, I must apologize for intruding into your private email address, but
I humbly ask that you take due consideration of the importance and immense
benefit that this communication brings to you. However strange and
surprising this contact might seem to you as we have not met personally or
hand any dealings with you in the past.
My names are Hans Rudolf Tommer from Switzerland and I am a legal
consultant/Broker. I am representing some members of the Independent
Committee of Eminent Persons (ICEP), Switzerland. (ICEP) is in charge with
the responsibility of finding accounts in Switzerland belonging to
non-Swiss indigenes, which have remained dormant since World War II. For
more information please kindly check:
My clients and close associates who are members of (ICEP) discovered a
dormant account with the sum of Forty Eight Million United States Dollars
($48M) including accumulated interests. My associates required my
assistance in find best possible ways to legally transfer the funds with
my supervision as an experienced legal consultant/broker. Due to this
opportunity, my clients at (ICEP) have confided in me to help search for a
foreign partner that will assisting putting the funds into the banking
system and also assist in investing part of the funds into profitable
business ventures for mutual benefits.
Because my associates at (ICEP), Switzerland have mandated me to search
for a foreign partners, hence my aim for contacting you. Please do not
despair because I got your email contact from a business search engine on
the internet before deciding to contact you. I have known my associates
for almost more than 15 years and I do not wish to fail them on this
project due to my responsibility and capacity as their legal consultant.
I and my associates have well established contacts with the Claims
Resolutions Tribunal (CRT) responsible for handling and processing of all
claims on accounts due to non-Swiss citizens. The claims for this project
will be processed under an expedited procedure due to the uncomplicated
nature of the claims.
I have also made contacts with the Legal Escrow Company responsible for
the Dormant Account Recovery (DAR) in the United Kingdom since the
original beneficiary of the funds in question is domiciled in the UK. I
and my associates have finalized arrangements with the Legal Escrow
Company to take over the funds by the new beneficiary legally which you
will be representing.
I and my associates are willing to offer you as much as 20% (USD $9.6M) of
the entire funds plus investments after the completion of the project.
There is no legal risk involved in this project and all process of
administrative claims will be legally achieved to transfer the funds to
your name as the new beneficiary without any hitch.
In conclusion, if you are willing and ready to assist I and my associates
claim the dormant account smoothly, please kindly indicate in your return
reply to: and I will furnish you with comprehensive
details on how the project will be completed including my direct contact
telephone number so that you can call me for questions and clarifications
where necessary.
I and my associates look forward to doing more deals with you.
Best regards,
Hans R. Tommer

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